Research. Dissemination. Advocacy. Community.

Our Projects

The Digital Connections Hub: Managing the Impacts of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Children, Families, and Workers in Vulnerable Contexts: Synthesizing and Mobilizing Knowledge for the Child Serving Organizations.







Project Summary: The Digital Connections Hub presents evidence-based child welfare research and resources related to COVID-19 and other potential health crises. It facilitates easy access to resources for children and youth, service providers, families and caregivers, governments, and the general public who share a concern for children in care and the wellbeing of children and youth in general.

Project Timeline: 2020 – ongoing

DCH Full Length Report, Nov. 2020;
DCH Report Summary, Jan. 2021

Contact Information:
Dr. Nathalie Reid:
Dr. Lise Milne:

Funders: SHRF 2020 Research Connections COVID-19 Rapid Response; CIHR 2020 Knowledge Synthesis Grant: COVID-19 Rapid Research Funding Opportunity in Mental Health and Substance


Understanding the Emotional Impact of COVID-19 on Teachers, Administrators, and Professional School Staff

Thumbnail - Impacts of School Closures

Project Summary: The purpose of this study is to inquire into the complex experiences and emotional states of teachers, administrators, and professional school staff (TAPS) in relation to school re-opening and over the course of the 2020-2021 school year. Through the use of an online survey, and employing pictures as prompts, this study offers TAPS the opportunity to explore their emotional effects. Three (3) surveys are being conducted over the course of the year (August 2020, November 2020, March 2021).

Project Timeline: 2020 – 2021

Contact Information:
Dr. Jerome Cranston:
Dr. Nathalie Reid:

Partners: Faculty of Education; University of Regina; CTRC

Funders: University of Regina 2020 President’s Research Seed Grant & SSHRC Explore Grant

Drawing Together Neuroscience and Play, Art, and Narrative (PAN): Co-Creating a Resilience-Enhancement Toolkit for Children in Vulnerable Contexts

Project Summary: This project seeks to synthesize the expertise of our multidisciplinary team to co-create and facilitate the integration of a resilience enhancement toolkit (RET) for approximately 12 children ages 6-8, based largely on neuroscience and the principles of play, art, and narrative (PAN). The RET will support children to increase self-regulation, improve learning, and build healthy relationships, with the ultimate goal of enhancing resilience. The RET will include tools and activities to be used by children alongside 2 School Support Specialists in school contexts, and then to be used by the same children in their home settings to promote healthy interactions with caregivers, and support mutual well-being and resilience.

Project Timeline: June 2021 – June 2022

Contact Information:
Dr. Nathalie Reid:

Project Team: Dr. Nathalie Reid (Principal Investigator); Dr. Lise Milne (Co-Investigator); Chantelle Priel (Project Coordinator); Rashique Ramiz (Research Assistant); Dr. Patrick Lewis (Supporter); Karen Wallace (Supporter); Dr. Bree Fiissel (Supporter); Alison Lewis (Supporter); Whitney Blaisdell (Supporter); Lisa Glines (Supporter); Kiah Holness (Research Assistant; Supporter).

Funders: SHRF 2021 Research Connections Grant


RSAC/UR Virtual Conference: “From Awareness to Action – Supporting Systemic Responses to Sexual Violence”

Project Summary: This conference will be held virtually from November 9-10, 2021. It will bring together frontline workers, service providers, policymakers, researchers, students, etc., from a variety of disciplines and fields, to share knowledge, experience, tools, and resources related to the impacts of sexual violence trauma.

Project Timeline: November 9-10, 2021


Contact Information:
RSAC/UR Conference Facebook
RSAC/UR Conference Twitter

Partners: University of Regina; Regina Sexual Assault Centre; CTRC

Funders: University of Regina Academic Conference Fund; CCE; U of R Faculty of Nursing; U of R Faculty of Science; U of R Faculty of Business; U of R Faculty of Education; U of R Faculty of Social Work; Regina Sexual Assault Centre; CTRC


Non-Credit Professional Certification in Trauma-Sensitive Pedagogies & Trauma-Informed Practices

Project Summary: The intent of this Professional Certification Course is to offer educators both introduction and extension courses pertaining to trauma-informed practices, trauma-sensitivity pedagogies, self-regulation, and resilience. This will be delivered through 2, 14-hour courses. The course offers further extension through an ever-expanding library of 7-hour modules specific to certain content areas as well as to the experiences of a school landscape. All the courses are shaped to promote and enhance both practitioner and student knowledge, understanding, and resilience.

Project Timeline: Pilot to be run in 2022

Contact Information:
Dr. Nathalie Reid:

Partners: University of Regina; CCE; STFPL; CTRC


Program Evaluation: Regina Perinatal Health Network (RPHN)

Project Summary: The RPHN focuses on providing education and empowerment to improve the health of new parents within the Regina community, with a strong emphasis on mental health such as PMADs. As the RPHN is a relevantly new program – stemming from Regina Early Years – the CTRC has collaborated with the RPHN to provide Program Evaluation of their services. This Program Evaluation will include both quantitative and qualitative analysis so the RPHN can continue funding their services.

More Details At: Program Evaluation REGINA PERINATAL HEALTH NETWORK-Online Version

Project Timeline: 2021

Contact Information:
Dr. Nathalie Reid:

Partners: RELC; RPHN; CTRC


Proposed Project: Mental Health Attendance Policy

Project Summary: This proposed project aims to establish ‘mental health’ as an excusable absence for K-12 schools in the province of Saskatchewan. This will also increase ability to track mental health data by pinpointing mental health absence hotspots in specific schools and across districts. After a predetermined number of excused mental health absences, a meeting with the school counselor would be set up to plan for further intervention.

Project Timeline: Ongoing

Contact Information:
Dr. Nathalie Reid:

Partners: University of Regina Faculty of Education; CTRC


Proposed Project: Supporting Youth Mental Health in Cypress Hills

Project Summary: This project proposes to offer trauma-sensitive/trauma-informed, and resilience-based leadership training in Cypress Hills that will empower Maple Creek youth to engage in ecological activism and educational projects with, in, and for their communities in order to foster resilience, connection, and well-being. In partnership with education students from the Faculty of Education, the leadership students will create developmentally-appropriate eco-educational learning engagements, foregrounding the principles of land-based learning and ecological justice.

Project Timeline: Anticipated 2022-2023

Contact Information:
Dr. Nathalie Reid:

Partners: Town of Maple Creek; University of Regina – Faculty of Education, Arts, and Science; CTRC



Project Name: CTRC Presentations 

Project Summary: Dr. Reid, Dr. Milne, and the CTRC team have given the following virtual presentations regarding the Digital Connections Hub:





June 6-9, 2021 The Digital Connections Hub –  Supporting the well-being of vulnerable Canadian children, families, and service providers during COVID-19 and beyond: Mobilizing critical knowledge International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. Rimini conference, Italy – Virtual via conference platform
May 18 & 19, 2021 The Digital Connections Hub –  Supporting the well-being of vulnerable Canadian children, families, and service providers during COVID-19 and beyond: Mobilizing critical knowledge The Canadian Consortium on Child and Youth Trauma The 2021 Child and Youth Trauma Symposium, QC – Virtual via conference platform
May 2021 Advocacy for a School Mental Health Attendance Policy  Saskatchewan League of Educational Administrators, Directors, & Superintendents (LEADS)  Regina, SK – Virtual conference between LEADS and CTRC via Zoom
December 9, 2020 Digital Connections Hub – Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Child Trauma Research Centre at the University of Regina Regina, SK – Virtual via Zoom 
October 27, 2020 Lunch & Learn hour with the Child Trauma Research Centre  University of Regina Faculty of Social Work – Social Policy Research Centre Regina, SK – Virtual via Zoom


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