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Research. Dissemination. Advocacy. Community.

National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 21, 2023

June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada, a day to celebrate the rich cultures and traditions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people and communities across Canada. Within Canada, Indigenous culture is often acknowledged and celebrated on particular days, which is important, but we at the CTRC hope to see a day in which Mi’kmaw Elder Albert Marshall’s guiding principle of two-eyed seeing is practised and celebrated daily as a commitment to ongoing reconciliation. Indigenous youth face disproportionate negative outcomes in education across Canada due to the oppression and trauma faced by Indigenous communities across generations. The CTRC has gathered resources on Indigenous history, rights, arts, and culture and encourages everyone to actively commit to reconciliation in good ways.


Native Land Digital is a Canadian non-profit that offers educational resources and tools for understanding the people who call these lands home.

The National Film Board of Canada has Indigenous documentaries and films available to stream for free.

Canada’s National Historical Society offers a treaty educational package with lessons for multiple grade levels on the meaning, history, and legacy of treaties in Canada.

Historica Canada offers Indigenous history teaching kits for free, applicable to multiple grade levels.

Nokum Is My Teacher by David Bouchard

We All Play by Julie Flett

Not My Girl by Margaret Pokiak-Fenton

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